Before the construction of the new Town Hall in 1910, the episcopal palace was linked to the side of the Cathedral by a ‘pontis’ similar to that above the arcades.

People could therefore leave the central courtyard of the Episcopal palace by two pontis, to the south and to the north. The north pontis is the only part to have survived, and dates from the 14th century. The ‘scars’ on the wall of the Cathedral indicate the presence of the other pontis. The ram placed in the centre of the passage is a replica of a toy from the 11th or 12th century, placed here by the painter Henri-Maurice Cahours in 1970.

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    Avant la construction de la nouvelle mairie en 1910, l’Evêché s’appuyait au flanc de la Cathédrale par un «pontis» semblable à celui qui existe au-dessus des arcades. On pouvait donc sortir de la cour centrale de l’Evêché par deux pontis, au sud et au nord. Celui-ci, seul vestige qui subsiste, date du 14e siècle. Des […]

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