**Avenue de la Résistance : introduction of new parking system « 20 minutes » waiting time, free of charge


An automatic illuminated panel has been installed at ground level to regulate the authorised waiting time.

When vehicles are parked, a green light is automatically displayed on the panel for 20 authorised minutes, after which, the light turns red. At this point, the parked vehicles, are in breach of the law and must either move off or risk a fine.


During the installation of this system (in May) a prevention campaign was launched to inform the public about the new arrangements. Currently, the non respect of these new parking facilities carries a penalty of 11€.

The new regulations are in place from Mondays to Saturdays from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 7pm and on Sundays from 9am to 12pm.
Outside these periods, that is, evenings as of 7pm, Sunday afternoons and public holidays, the illuminated panel is switched off and the waiting time is no longer restricted.

Two parking spaces with an authorised waiting time of 1h 30minutes have been created for disabled drivers

Two spaces situated between nos. 4 and 32, Avenue de la Résistance, are reserved for those displaying official badges ie. the sticker GIG /GIC, for a limited waiting time of 1h 3Ominutes only. HANDICAPES_2.jpg

Finally, please note that in accordance with clause R-417-1 of the Highway Code, parking on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic is not permitted.

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