The Vence clubs and associations will go down the streets to meet the public. The aim is to become well-known, to present the new activities, and get new members.

Cultural, sportive, humanitarian, charitable,for leisure… more than 140 associations will be represented for this great associative fete.

Several hundreds of members and volunteers will participate and offer many demonstrations and animations.

Vence has today nearly 200 clubs and associations for only 35 in 1985 ! Un development that shows their importance in the social and economic life of the town.

This event will go on in the evening with a great Ball of Associations organized for the benefit of the « Oh Madagascar » association and its project of building a school in Tamatave.

**Forum and Bal of Associations


Place du Grand Jardin
In case of bad weather the event will take place in Salle Falcoz Opening of Stands
Until Animations and demonstrations
5.30pm Prizegiving Apéritif
8.30 Dinner and Bal, Salle Jacques Falcoz

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