228 avenue Colonel Meyère – Téléphone 04 93 58 02 12

livres_120-2.jpg With over 107 000 annual loans, the media library plays an important role in the life of the habitants of Vence.
From Tuesday to Saturday, personnel trained in the book, music and cinema profession welcome and advise its members or simple passers-by.

Access for the Handicapped
The media library disposes of several special funds received in bequeath or constituted in acquisition of heritage:

The « Giujuzza-Colomb » corner The name of the donators of 600 titles, it is dedicated to cinematic books.

Heritage Funds. It gathers rare books, of artists, or old authors who have a connection with the town or Vence area .

Sénélier Funds Comprises of the parapsychology reviews and books concerning Gérard de Nerval, bequethal of M. Sénélier.

Freinet Funds: The library of Célestin Freinet on pedagogy, bought from the Basse Fontaine book shop.

Moutet Funds: Works of poetry in provençal dialect .

Salle de lecture

Reading room
Nuitsecriva_100-2.jpg A place of meeting and conviviality, the media library partakes in numerous activities organized by the institutions or cultural associations and makes available the exhibition and conference hall.
Partners : The Botanical workshop/ the Taversine workshop/ The twin town committee/ The music conservatory/ Culture and Cinema/The Lyre Bird/The University in the life of the Vence country… and all the members who share their time, their knowledge, their energy and without whom the media library would not be what it is today.Animations scolaires

[*Opening hours and Days*]

livres_110-2.jpg TUESDAY2pm-6.30pm WEDNESDAY 9am-12am and 2pm-6.30pm FRIDAY 9am-12am and 2pm- 6pm SATURDAY9am-5pm. Closed all day Sunday and Monday.
Tuesday and Thursday mornings are reserved for classes and internal work.

The media library is open to everybody.

1st floor

Conference and exhibition room. Music -cinema section offers CD’s, music scores, video cassettes, DVD’s, books and music and cinema reviews.

2nd Floor

Adult section

3rd floor

Young peoples section
This section offers printed works : journals and publications, novels, comics, police-related stories, fairytales, poetry, theatre, science-fiction, documentaries, narrated stories….

The loan of documents, the consultation and the animations are free.


To borrow documents it is necessary to subscribe to the media library. The subscription is valid for one year and is renewable on presentation of a documentary proof of residence. The subscriptions are nominative, presentation of the subscription card is obligatory for all loans.

You can choose between …..

BASIC SUBSCRIPTION : F1 For loans of printed works 6 books and 4 publications or journals for a period of three weeks.

FULL SUBSCRIPTION : F2 For loans of printed sonorous or audiovisual works,6 books, 4 publications or journals, 2 music scores, 4 cd’s,2 audiovisual documents, for a period of 3 weeks
Annual prices


Young people under 18 year of age : free of charge
Students : unemployed, job seekers : free of charge
Adults : 13€ (residents of Vence*) – 17€ (non-residents)
Seniors (>65 ans) : 10€ (Vence*) – 15€ (non-residents)
Young temporary residents ** : free of charge + deposit check 20€
Adult temporary resident** : 9€ + deposit cheque of 20€


Young people, students, unemployed, job seekers : 15€ (Vence* and non-residents)
Adults : 25€ (Vence*) – 35€ (non-residents)
Seniors (>65 ans) : 20€ (Vence*) – 30€ (non-residents)
**Young and adult temporary residents: 18€ + deposit check of 61€
*Valid for people living in Vence or working in Vence .
** Temporary residents: minimum 2 weeks and less than 6 months.


To register, you must present:

1 Identity card

1 documentary proof of residence less than 3months old (Electricity bill or rent receipt)

1 passport photo
Students : A valid student card

Unemployed and job seekers : documentary evidence

People working but not living in Vence :

1 Pay slip under two months old

The registration of minors is under the responsibility of parents.

The nominative subscriber card is obligatory for all document loans from all sections of the library.

Registration implies acceptance of all the rules and regulations of the media library.

A photocopier is at your disposition to copy the documents from the Media Library. The duplication of documents is subject to the legislation in effect (0,15€ per page)


The personnel of the media library are at your disposal to help and advise you in your searches for documents ,please do not hesitate to call upon them, it will facilitate your search and will enable you to borrow works stored away in the reserve.

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