A glimmer of hope within a situation of conflict that is all too often considered impossible to resolve – a fantastic lesson in the realms of humanity.

** »The Marriage of Peace » by Evi Guggenheim Shbeta et Eyas Shbeta . Presented by: Michel Lafon

In the very heart of the conflict, a Jewish woman and a Palestinian man unit in a certain village where tolerance prevails. MariagePaix_2-2.jpg

A glimmer of hope in a situation of conflict that is all too often considered impossible to resolve – a fantastic lesson in the realms of humanity
They had every reason to hate each other and yet they married… Evi Guggenheim was born in Zurich into a family of strong Jewish faith.

When she arrived in Jerusalem, she wasn’t expecting to find any Palestinian people… As for Eyas Shbeta, he is Palestinian. Furthermore, his people accuse the Jews of chasing them away from their lands and stealing their possessions… They met in Israel, where their relationship provoked public uproar. They remained together however and decided to settle in a particular village where Jews and Arabs live side by side peacefully.

Naturally, this unusual situation caused quite a stir at the outset !

A few upheld their union, others condemned it or even threatened them. Even within the village itself, the two communities had to face up to very difficult internal crises during the Israeli-Arab wars and the Intifada periods. However, the love-story flourished through thick and through thin and today Evi et Eyas have three little girls and their experimental village called Neve Shalom Wahat al-Salam (« Oasis of Peace « , in Hebrew, as well as in Arabic) has become an attractive town where visitors come from all over the world to soak up the philosophy and take heed from the shining example it has set.

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