Enjoying an ever-growing success, the Col de Vence Race has the special attraction of offering outstanding panoramic views sweeping from the snow-capped Mercantour right down to the Mediterranean coastline…

This is also a qualifying event for the forthcoming Cross-country Races: the « Challenge Départemental 2007 Montagne, Trail, Nature » and the “Spiridon 2007” Challenge.

Start Place du Grand Jardin at 9am
Finish Col de Vence
Distance 11,8 km
Difference in altitude Over 620 m


Takes place at the Office du Tourisme de Vence

Or at Planet Jogging, 33, rue Gioffredo in Nice

Or on the internet site

Pre-registration available free of charge on the site

Register early to avoid the inconvenience of inevitable queues on the day itself !

**Other useful information…2

Numbers to be worn during the race can be obtained from the shop Planet Jogging during registration or up until 30 minutes before the start of the race at the Place du Grand Jardin.

The registration fee is 8 € up until the 7th May and 10 € on the day of the race.

Refreshments and sponge-down facilities will be provided during the entire race, as well as at the finishing post.

Participants’ belongings given in up to 15 minutes before the start of the race will be forwarded to the finishing point.

A free bus service will be available for transporting participants back to Vence, Place du Grand Jardin from 11.30am onwards.

A tee-shirt will be offered to each successful participant.

Results will be published on the site et sur le site

2Rules and Regulations

Vence Course A Pied (VCAP) and l’ASPTT Nice Athlétisme organise the 5th Col de Vence Cross-Country Ascent on Tuesday 8th May 2007.

This race will start at 9am from the Place du Grand Jardin, Vence.

The finish will be judged on the plateau of the Col de Vence.

The event is open to men and women, whether they are club members or not, belonging to either the junior or senior categories.

Those participants holding valid membership cards requiring a medical certificate, must submit their valid membership card number to the organisers when completing their registration.

All the other participants, upon registration, must supply a copy of a recent medical certificate, stating they are fit to take part in the race.

In accordance with the personal data processing law of 6th January 1978, participants have the right to consult and rectify any personal information they consider incorrect or inappropriate.

Photographic rights : participants, as well as their supporters and accompanying public must give their formal consent to the organisers Vence Course à pied’ and their sponsors and advertisers, to use photos or audiovisual coverage in which they appear, taken during the 5th Col de Vence Ascent Race, concerning all types of material, including any promotional and/or advertising documents , used anywhere in the world and for the lawful period of time allowed by current legislation, including any extensions granted to this time period.

For further information, please contact : Asptt Nice 06 88 70 66 06 or 06 83 67 01 41 and also see the website

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