The following are some resources to help English-speaking  immigrants in Vence.

These resources are free and all the agencies and groups listed have some  English-speaking staff.

The Anglican Church in Vence –  St. Hugh’s Church, 21 Av. de la Resistance.
For info call 04 93 87 19 83,  (the Anglican church in Nice).

Association Montjoy – – 04 93 58 92 30.
This association will help  with  immigrants’ paperwork, or other problems.

AVF Vence et Pays – – 04 93 58 36 71.
AVF is an association in Vence that welcomes new arrivals, ( less than 3 years), helps them, and  makes their integration easier.

The Broad-Chauvin English Library – –
Borrow classics or new books.

The English Book Club – 06 59 47 64 96 –
Join and discuss current or classic books.
Steve lives in Vence and writes about the history, culture, and heritage of the city, his articles providing the most in-depth, English -language commentaries available on the subjects they cover.

Vence Tourist Office – –  04 93 58 92 30.
Ask them anything about Vence…or maybe anyplace in France.


Friday, April 7th

MARCHÉ ARTISA’VENCE / market with local crafts stands

10am – 4pm – Place Clemenceau

April,  8th – 9th and 10th

FÊTE DE PAQUES (Easter events)

Wednesday, April 12th

L’APRÈS-MIDI DE LA VOIE PROFESSIONNELLE special afternoon dedicated to vocational jobs

1pm – 6pm – Centre Social Isi Montjoye et sur l’esplanade Toreille free entrance.

• Vendredi 14 avril / Friday, April 14th

Bingo organized by the handball club

7pm – 11pm – Salle Falcoz

• Samedi 15 avril / Saturday, April 15th

LA RUE EST À NOUS (“The main street belongs to us !”)

Party day and games for children on the central streets of the town but also shopkeepers’ sell-off

10am – 6pm 

Sunday, April 16th

MARCHÉ SAVEURS DU MONDE / World flavour market (various world and local specialties)

9am – 2pm – Place Clemenceau

Sunday, April 16th


6.30pm – Cathedral

Sunday, April 16th

THE VOICE DAY : different CONCERTS AT THE music school

All day long

Thursday, April 20th


Salle Falcoz

April 22nd and 23rd

SALON DE L’AUTO – ROTARY / Auto show by the Rotary club

Parking Vallon de la Rousse

Sunday, April 23rd

Bingo organized by the association Handica Services 06

Salle Falcoz

Saturday, April 29th

VENCE FETE SES CULTURES /  Special day to celebrate the various nationalities living in Vence (entertainment, crafts, world cuisine, crafts,…)

Place Clemenceau

Saturday, April 29th

CYCLING RACE in the Pays Vençois

Friday, May 5th

market with local crafts stands

10am – 4pm – Place Clemenceau

Saturday, May 6th

JAZZ CONCERT by the music conservatory

6.30pm – Cadrans Solaires

Saturday, May 6th

Special Antique market

8am – 5pm – Place du Grand Jardin

Saturday, May 6th 


Sunday, May 7th

ASCENSION DU COL DE VENCE / Running race to the Col de Vence 

Sunday, May 7th


Historic city

Monday, May 8th

CÉRÉMONIE DU 8 MAI / End of WW2 Commemorative day.

9am – 12pm

Friday, May 12th

Concert by the orchestra of Lahnstein accompanied by the music conservatory of Vence

7pm Parc de la Conque

• Samedi 13 mai / Saturday, May 13th

NUIT DES ARTS – Arts night

Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs

May 13th and 14th

Wellness showroom

10am – 6pm – Place Clemenceau


This page is looking for personal stories from the English-speaking community, telling us of their experiences of settling or living on a monthly basis, in Vence.
We’d  like to hear what you think about Vence, what brought you here, what keeps you here, what struggles you encountered and how you dealt with them?  What is life  like for you in a country other than your own?  Send us  an experience or two, an encounter that made you feel good,  a  small success or  large one.  Tell us anything that made it feel, it was all worthwhile !
Or just let us know, you’re here and you love it !!!
We’d love to share those experiences, those feelings,  in these pages,  so let us hear from you ! Please send your story to Gloria

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